
Positive / Negative



Functionality: single sign on

# Test Case +ve/-ve Priority Author Vote
  1. SSO - Setup: Do we have option to enable or disable SSO login in the sytem? It should be possible to rollback the SSO Login to the normal login when there is a situation to do it. Positive p1
Reviewed by Sushmitha BM
Reviewed on 2022-12-18 14:49:12
  2. SSO - Setup: Test if the IDP (Identity Provider) is configured per need. This can be done via GUI or the backend interface if the sytsem supports. Positive p1
Reviewed by Avanti Gada
Reviewed on 2022-12-20 12:47:10
  3. [SSO] [API] User should get 401 error code when user run the API using expired ID token. Negative p1
Reviewed by Sanjay Kumar
Reviewed on 2022-10-08 07:36:09
  4. [SSO] [GUI] User should be able to do SSO login using valid username and password Positive p1
Reviewed by Sanjay Kumar
Reviewed on 2022-10-08 07:36:09
  5. SSO - Setup: Configuring IDP: Make sure you know the IDP whom we are using to create a SSO. Know their parameters to configure the Positive p2
Reviewed by Sushmitha BM
Reviewed on 2022-12-18 14:49:12
  6. SSO - Setup: Know what is the login method used. Is it OAuth or SAML? Positive p2
Reviewed by Sushmitha BM
Reviewed on 2022-12-18 14:49:12
  7. [SSO] [API] User should get 403 error code when None Type user run the API using valid ID token. Negative p3
Reviewed by Sanjay Kumar
Reviewed on 2022-10-08 07:36:09

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