
Positive / Negative



Functionality: Text Box Functionality

# Test Case +ve/-ve Priority Author Vote
  1. Verify : : Data-Erased Operation : : when user tries to clear the data : : data should clear as expected by the user expectaion Positive p1
Reviewed by Sugan Gowtham
Reviewed on 2022-12-18 14:50:19
  2. Verify : : Edit operation : : existed data should display as expected then user can update the data as well Positive p1
Reviewed by Sugan Gowtham
Reviewed on 2022-12-18 14:50:19
  3. Verify the : : CSS Allignment for the Text Box [ Field displayed & Background- Highlighter ] Positive p1
Reviewed by Sugan Gowtham
Reviewed on 2022-12-18 14:50:19
  4. Verify the : : Filed Type [ Int /string/alphnumeric ] : : if the text box field is Int then it should allow only [ + Postive Values ] | Alphnumeric [ Allows Occuarnce fromA-Z ] Negative p1
Reviewed by Sugan Gowtham
Reviewed on 2022-12-18 14:50:19
  5. Verify the : : Max-Length : : for the Text Box Field : : it should successfully restrict user when we add more than its limit Positive p1
Reviewed by Sugan Gowtham
Reviewed on 2022-12-18 14:50:19
  6. Verify the : : place-holder : : it should disappear when user start entering data for the field Positive p2
Reviewed by Sugan Gowtham
Reviewed on 2022-12-18 14:50:19

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